Monday 17 October 2011

An interview with Sir Terry Pratchett.

Hello all.

I saw a post today by Karen Cairns which I really wanted to repost on my blog.  It's a piece from the guardian and is an interview with a hero of mine, Sir Terry Pratchett.  The article is from the Guardian, Friday 14th October 2011.

If by any miracle, he were to read this, I would just like to say 'thank you' for the wonderful Discworld and every other book that he had a hand in also!  I really hope that he is able to continue to write for many years to come!

(Thanks also to Karen for pointing out my atrocious spelling! Concrete evidence there that proof reading is handy!)


  1. Deary me Neil... You are a fan and yet spelled Discworld wrong *grins*

  2. Yeah, even after 30odd novels I am still capable of spelling the name wrong! *hangs head*

    And to think that I have read everyone one of them at least three times too..
