Thursday 20 October 2011

Nervous times ahead!

So, it's getting close to Assignment 01 deadline.  Well, one week until it's due in.  I am fighting the urge to 'tinker' with my work today, after spending a copious amount of time on it already.  I feel that I need to try and distance myself from my work a little bit before one final sweep through.

To say that I am nervous would be an understatement!  Blind panic might be more accurate.  The trouble is, in previous modules, the work is set around a specific subject of text.  From this, it is normal to read through material, and regurgitate it on paper in a unique way.  This isn't true for creative writing.  In this case, the work comes from within, and the only real influence, (apart from favourite author's) on the work is the techniques that we are taught in the Workbook, to name a few: Clusters, Freewrite, Haiku, morning pages and memory association.  From these techniques the aim is to create a totally unique story, which is then to be judged and remarked upon - then returned.  It's so scary to think that my work is to be judged and returned to me - will I be deemed foolish, idiotic, naive, pathetic, obvious?  Or will, by some miracle, my work be given merit and praise?

Right now, all I can do is quietly panic and resist the urge to mess about with my writing any more.. And of course to share my thoughts with anyone who wants to read this! (thanks if you do!) Am I alone in these feelings? Feel free to answer in the comments below!


  1. I know what you mean Neil. I've strayed in from social science and all the facts and stats that characterises those subjects. The TMAs for those almost wrote themselves really: opinion, evidence and so on. This on the other hand is tapping into the part of you that runs deeper and more Is personal and suggests you either have something of a talent or not. That is very scary, since most of us have probably believed through intuition and praise over half a lifetime that this is something we can do! onal

  2. Apologies for typos above - that's mobiles combined with poor eye sight for you!

  3. Heh, no worries Mike. I have similar experiences with phones and with my eye sight :-)

  4. Right with you Neil. I finally sent mine in yesterday so there was no way I could keep fiddling with the durn thing!

    I looked at the second TMA and nearly died...
